Ubuntu 16.04 Compatibility

James Hilliard james.hilliard1 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 03:54:59 CET 2016

I've been trying to get the mandos client to work with Ubuntu 16.04 64
bit server but the client seems to always hang on a completely blank
screen when booting up(I have to go into rescue and uninstall it to be
able to boot). I've tried the version that is packaged by Ubuntu and
have built from source and both have the same problem.

When testing manually from within Ubuntu using
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mandos/plugins.d/mandos-client it seems to
work fine and returns the password. I'm guessing there's something
incompatible with the initramfs plugin.

Anything else I should try that might get it to boot?


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