systemd password agent

Jesse Norell jesse at
Thu Apr 25 19:30:49 CEST 2019


  I am trying/wanting to use mandos to decrypt a second disk on a
stretch system with systemd, and quickly find that keyscript is not
supported in /etc/crypttab.  It seems the correct way to address this
is to write a password agent for systemd, and I am curious of the
status of that both as officially supported by the mandos project, and
if anyone has any working examples they could share.

  I came across the 'Mandos on Fedora/RHEL' thread from 2013 where
Nathanael Noblet mentioned having a proof of concept password agent to
get started, but in some quick searching I don't see a mandos package
in RHEL to consult, and I don't see any signs of mandos-agent in the
mandos source; my guess is I am now fully up to speed on systemd
support for secondary disks.  :)

  I'd be glad for any further insights/pointers/etc.


Jesse Norell
Kentec Communications, Inc.
970-522-8107  -

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