Version 1.7.1 of Mandos is released

Teddy Hogeborn teddy at
Sun Oct 25 13:29:28 CET 2015

Zenny <garbytrash at> writes:

> Your work sounds impressive. However, how does it fare with
> systemd-free linuses like or alpine linux?

Mandos was originally written for Debian before it ran systemd, and
should still work fine without it.  The server side has a simple
/etc/init.d sysvinit script - nothing odd there, it's just a normal
daemon.  The client side has basically nothing to do with systemd, since
it runs in the initramfs environment, before systemd is started.

So yes, Mandos should work fine without systemd.  Using Devuan or Alpine
would not be a problem because of systemd.  The thing most likely to
cause problems is if any of them does not use the initramfs-tools
package to generate the initramfs image (in /boot).  If they do not, the
Mandos packaging does not support them, and any user would have to
install the Mandos client by hand in whatever system which generates the
/boot/initrd.img file on those systems.

/Teddy Hogeborn

The Mandos Project
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