Ubuntu precise issues

Teddy Hogeborn teddy at recompile.se
Thu Jan 30 10:05:52 CET 2014

Mike 'Fuzzy' Partin <mike at liquidplanner.com> writes:

> I've gotten the networking issue sussed, but now am getting errors
> from GnuTLS while reading files (those being
> /conf/conf.d/mandos/*key.txt).
> Adding a '-v' to the relevant line (l:192 of
> /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/mandos) shows me that the files are
> indeed being copied over into /conf/conf.d/mandos/
> during the initramfs generation. I wish I had something more verbose
> than the following to provide:
> Mandos plugin mandos-client: Error [-64] while reading the OpenPGP key
> pair ('/conf/conf.d/mandos/pubkey.txt',
> /conf/conf.d/mandos/seckey.txt')
> Mandos plugin mandos-client: The GnuTLS error is: Error while reading file.
> Mandos plugin mandos-client: init_gnutls_global failed
> Mandos plugin mandos-client: seteuid: Operation not permitted #
> included for completeness, I recognize that it's one of the errors
> that are ignorable)

Hmm, the plugins should be setuid root.  If they are not, this could
explain the errors you are experiencing.  Could you run, as root, the
initramfs-unpack script (from the source distribution) and check if the
unpacked initramfs files in /tmp/initrd.img*/lib/mandos/plugins.d indeed
are setuid root?

/Teddy Hogeborn

The Mandos Project
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