sysvinit instead of systemd?

Teddy Hogeborn teddy at
Thu Apr 3 21:36:53 CEST 2014

Olivier Molinete <olivier at> writes:

> Thanks for your answer. I've never heard anything about the bug you
> mention, but it is good to know...
> What I tried to know with my first message is: Can mandos 1.6.4 be
> installed in a Debian's stable branch (wheezy) without systemd as in
> version 1.5.5 that exist in Debian's official repositories?

Well, yes and no.  Yes, Mandos, the program, will work perfectly well if
you get the package installed, but getting the package installed is the
hard part, as the dependencies of the Debian package are set such that
it "requires" either a newer version of the avahi-daemon package or the
systemd-sysv package.  Mandos itself does not have these requirements,
but the Debian packaging system will make it hard for you to install the
1.6.4 Mandos package if you do not fulfill them.

> There's any chance to use latest stable version of mandos without
> using systemd and keeping the old (and good) sysvinit?

You could download the source code yourself and compile a patched
version of the stable package without the requirements previously

aptitude install bzr bzr-builddeb debhelper docbook-xml docbook-xsl libavahi-core-dev libgpgme11-dev libgnutls-dev xsltproc pkg-config systemd python python-gnutls python-dbus	python-avahi python-gobject python-argparse
bzr branch mandos
cd mandos
sed -i -e 's/, avahi-daemon (>= 0.6.31-3)$//' -e '/| systemd-sysv/d'
bzr builddeb --builder='debuild -i -us -uc -b'
cd ..
dpkg -i mandos_1.6.4*.deb

Note that the while the above build process will install systemd, it
will not be used for booting, it can safely be uninstalled after
building the packages, and the package files (the *.deb files) can be
copied and safely re-used without installing systemd.

/Teddy Hogeborn

The Mandos Project
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