Mandos on Fedora/RHEL

Nathanael D. Noblet nathanael at
Tue Oct 29 16:54:59 CET 2013

On 10/28/2013 02:46 AM, Teddy Hogeborn wrote:

> How do we detect, in the Makefile, that we shouldn't use --owner?
> Should we just try "install" without --owner if it fails with it?

That would be great yes.

>> LIBDIR=%{_libexec} make install and it installs to /usr/libexec
> I think /usr/libexec/mandos is wrong, because the binaries aren't ever
> run by anything.  /usr/lib64/mandos is more correct, which it should use
> now.

So now that I was digging into dracut, and I think you are correct 
putting them in /usr/lib. Simply because its for the boot system. For 
the regular system in fedora 64 bit libraries go in lib64, binaries not 
intended to be called by a user go in libexec. However when I looked at 
a initramfs there were a bunch of program called binaries in /usr/lib. 
So um hopefully you didn't make any big changes on this part...

I've started to dig into dracut. Hopefully I can make some headway there 

Nathanael d. Noblet
t 403.875.4613

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