Some starting documents

Zenny garbytrash at
Fri Nov 30 10:19:40 CET 2012


I happen to see your nice application just today and feel like
deploying. Unfortunately I am getting errors while installing
mados-client in embedded debian squeeze (voyage linux actually).

1) gpg: WARNING: some OpenPGP programs can't handle a DSA key with
this digest size

I know of this error maybe it is run on a i386 machine.

2) cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab

which looks like:
root at voyage:~# cat /etc/fstab
#/dev/hda1       /       ext2    defaults,noatime,rw     0       0
proc            /proc   proc    defaults                0       0
tmpfs 			/tmp 	tmpfs 	nosuid,nodev 			0 		0
#tmpfs           /rw     tmpfs   defaults,size=32M        0       0

Appreciate if there is any pointers! Is there any tutorials on how to
deploy mandos? FYI, I am trying to share keys between two mandos
servers. Thanks!

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