mandos general protection error ...

Teddy Hogeborn teddy at
Fri Jan 30 00:15:02 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

Dick Middleton <dick at> writes:

> Should I understand from this query that you've tried the tests on
> sid and been unable to reproduce?

Sadly, yes.  We've tried the "bzr branch" thing here on both a lenny
system and two fresh installations of bare-bones sid systems.  All
worked perfectly.  During our scrutinizing of the code we did find
some more minor bugs, but none of them should cause your problem.

Now, we've added some more debugging code to the latest server code,
where we now suspect the problem lies.  Could you try it again?  For
reference, here are the commands to run:

 # bzr checkout mandos-trunk
 # cd mandos-trunk
 # make run-server SERVERARGS="--no-dbus --servicename=Test"

Wait for key generation, then type a passphrase twice.  Then, on
another terminal on the same computer, as the same user, in the same
directory, run this:

 # cd mandos-trunk
 # chmod +r keydir/*key.txt
 # make run-client CLIENTARGS="--options-for=mandos-client:--debug"

As usual, to get more output, prefix the "make run-*" commands with
"strace -f".  (We would appreciate both variants, since the debugging
output is really hard to read in the strace one.)

We would also be interested in seeing the "dpkg --get-selections"
output from any system where you ran these commands and the server

(This makes a total of five files.)

On another note; I suspect from clues in the strace logs that you're
not using ext3.  What file system are you using?  We haven't tested
installing a system with something like xfs, so if you have a sid
system using ext3 you could test on, it would be nice if you could try
that.  If not, you'll have to tell us what setup you are using in more
detail so we can try to emulate it here.

I also see that penguin and nova are not freshly installed sid or
lenny systems, but are upgraded from etch or older.  Do you have a
freshly installed lenny/sid system to test on?  Though, one of our
systems is an older system upgraded to lenny, and it works there, so
this should't be a problem.

/Teddy Hogeborn

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