Cannot decrypt swap partition with Mandos inside a LV (LVM)

Olivier Molinete olivier at
Sun Jun 1 01:46:41 CEST 2014

On 31/05/2014 23:32, Teddy Hogeborn wrote:
> Olivier Molinete <olivier at> writes:
>> Yep, that's right. You can use both setups (LVM on LUKS or LUKS on
>> LVM).  I prefer LUKS on LVM for the reasons you can find on the
>> comparison table at
> If I read that table correctly, the only downside to LVM-on-LUKS
> (compared to LUKS-on-LVM) is if you want multiple keys on separate
> partitions.  Which you presumably don't.  So I really don't see the
> advantage.  But you are free to do whatever you like, of course.

You're right, but I saw interesting the feature to have different 
passphrases for each partition, although than my LVM structure will be 
visible ;)
I'm a little bit paranoid, heh o:)

>> /etc/mandos/clients.conf:
>> -------------------------
> [...]
>> [all-in-one]
>> approved_by_default = True
>> enabled = True
>> host = all-in-one
>> #host =
>> fingerprint = C978376F75A37FCC1DCCF44F7EF7AA808895F276
>> secret =
>>  hQIMAwyhKB/kSSbzARAAqjg0cXIeisdbU+KejPvcd8Wnyv5fBtf0PgEds4QMVZY3
>>  LmLq4j3mM7uXWK1/K4AKFPHTY24N7DtvEUpVncCXkV4ajuPyoYGqZaYRVp1jGsp2
>>  [...]
>>  63+Nahwibhsj+ipFQToCQMIGkweFC8P5QWsuVyQblVUE6M2ANi4ig9cK7tMrC6VC
>>  m2bYTxkv
> This should mean that the Mandos server should have a client with that
> fingerprint, and yet:
>> And this is what mandos-monitor shows:
>> --------------------------------------
>> 2014-05-30T12:47:11.519245: Client with address ::ffff: 
>> and
>> fingerprint C978376F75A37FCC1DCCF44F7EF7AA808895F276 could not be 
>> found
> This message means that everything worked fine, except that the server
> does not have such a client in its list.  But it should, according to
> the above clients.conf.

Yes, that's right.

> Does mandos-monitor show a "all-in-one" client?
> If you run the command "mandos-ctl --verbose all-in-one", does it show
> the correct fingerprint for the client?

mandos-monitor does not show anything at this moment on the superior 
half of the screen, only that in the inferior half:

2014-06-01T01:38:28.137928: Client with address ::ffff: and 
fingerprint C978376F75A37FCC1DCCF44F7EF7AA808895F276 could not be found

Here's the output for the "# mandos-ctl --verbose all-in-one" command:

[01:39]-[root at imandos01:~] # mandos-ctl --verbose all-in-one
Client not found on server: 'all-in-one'
[01:39]-[root at imandos01:~] # mandos-ctl --verbose
Client not found on server: ''
[01:39]-[root at imandos01:~] #

> The "mandos-monitor" command, if running, shows most interesting
> events.
> /Teddy Hogeborn

Nope. In my case, it only shows the same message every 10 seconds at 
this time:

2014-06-01T01:38:28.137928: Client with address ::ffff: and 
fingerprint C978376F75A37FCC1DCCF44F7EF7AA808895F276 could not be found

I saw your other post about the clients.pickle file, so I will tell you 
what I will do in its body message :)

Thank you again, Teddy ;)

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