Some starting documents

Dick Middleton dick at
Sun Dec 2 17:06:13 CET 2012

On 12/02/12 09:31, Zenny wrote:
> Thanks Dick for information.
> About the first mandos server-client pair I meant the mandos server
> which also tries to authenticate as client with each other, I
> installed mandos sever and clients in both of them and copied the
> output of 'mandos-keygen --passphrase' to the server's
> /etc/mandos/clients.conf yet it does not authenticate, yet asks for
> the passphrase in console?

If it asks for a passphrase it means the password is not being returned by mandos.

> Tried to execute the following in the client console (as stated in
> but nothing happens even for hours.
> #/usr/lib/mandos/plugins.d/mandos-client \
>> --pubkey=/etc/keys/mandos/pubkey.txt \
>> --seckey=/etc/keys/mandos/seckey.txt; echo

That's a good clue.   It means it's not working.

If you've put the key from mandos-keygen --passphrase of computer A into
clients.conf on computer B and then run mandos-client on computer A the
password should be returned.

If it isn't then you need to check that the mandos server on computer B hears
the request.  If it does but fails to respond with password then you may have
a problem with the keys.  If it doesn't hear the request then you have a
problem with avahi or possibly firewall.

You need to increase debug level on client and server so there are useful
error messages.  To help further you need to post error messages on this list.


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