mandos general protection error ...

Teddy Hogeborn teddy at
Tue Jan 27 16:11:31 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

Dick Middleton <dick at> writes:

>> Do you have a lenny system you can test on?  This, I think, is the
>> most likely problem candidate.
> Hmmm.  I've got an eeeePC running lenny I could use.  I assume it's
> the client having the problems (is it)?  The server was running on
> lenny before.

I honestly don't know which side is at fault.  The client reports some
failure to receive data while trying to do the GnuTLS handshake.  The
server seems to crash horribly at the same time.  So I don't know who
is at fault.  At least some fault lies in the server, but I don't
think it's entirely our fault, since Python isn't supposed to crash
that badly.  It might be some interaction problem between different
versions of GnuTLS or something.  All I know is, it works perfectly
here on at least one lenny system, and possibly one sid system (I'll
check as soon as I am able).

Note that we still have not been able to reproduce your problem here,
at all.  For all I know, all your machines could have been cracked and
some library file has been corrupted or something.

All I am trying to do is to establish what the differences are between
our system and yours, and eliminate the differences one by one to take
them out of the equation.  The lenny/sid thing is the most likely one
I can think of right now.

/Teddy Hogeborn

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