Update your copy of the Mandos Debian Archive key today!

Teddy Hogeborn teddy at recompile.se
Sat Sep 30 16:08:44 CEST 2023

The key with key ID 153A37F10BBA0435987F2C4A72232973CA34C2C4, used to
sign the Debian packages of the latest version of Mandos which we
provide, will expire *tomorrow*, October 1, 2023.  If you use Debian
packages published by us in your /etc/apt/sources.list file (or
otherwise), you *must* update your key file today in order for your apt
to succeed in updating.  We are sorry for this late annoucement.

The short fix:

su -c wget --timestamping --directory-prefix=/etc/apt/keyrings https://www.recompile.se/mandos/mandos.pgp

(We have updated the key to not expire at all.  Key expiration seemed
like a reasonable idea 10 years ago, but if 4096-bit RSA keys will ever
turn out to be insufficiently secure, we will switch to some more modern

Note 1:

If you currenly keep your Mandos key in your server's trusted key list
as managed by apt-key(8), we recommend removing it using

apt-key del 153A37F10BBA0435987F2C4A72232973CA34C2C4

and then downloading the key as in the documentation at
<https://www.recompile.se/mandos#Download>, which has been updated to
use the modern methods.  The apt-key command is deprecated, and keeping
the Mandos key in the list of trusted keys is no longer recommended.

Note 2.

If you currently have lines for Mandos in your /etc/apt/sources.list
file, the installation instructions at
<https://www.recompile.se/mandos#Download> have been updated to use the
new Deb822 format and a "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mandos.sources" file
instead of the old way of editing /etc/apt/sources.list.

/Teddy Hogeborn

The Mandos Project
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